by Megan Otto ‘From the moment we are born the body has an intelligence system designed to look after us’ ‘Hey you up there! See that rash, growth, sneeze? It’s a message from your body. Are you listening?!’ Kim Knight, health and personal development coach explains symptoms are intelligent communication from the body to the head. “We are brought up …
How to survive a nervous breakdown
The truth about mental breakdowns and how they are often a breakthrough in disguise Having a so-called ‘nervous breakdown’ can carry a lot of negative stigma: losing your marbles is usually seen as detrimental (damaging to the mental) rather than positive event. But what if it were actually a good thing? A greater understanding of what a mental breakdown often is …
On how unmet emotional needs drive physical pain
UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACT OF FEAR IN THE PHYSICAL BODY by Kim Knight, The Art of Health For years I have been trying to understand why it is that certain Qi Gong exercises (specifically ones that require the pelvis to be tilted forward) have been so difficult to do and why I have had so much resistance to doing them. Whilst …
Illness – has the body really made a mistake?
… on questioning if disease is a random mistake and the body hasn’t got a clue what it’s doing…. “Is disease meaningful or meaningless? If you get ill, has the body made a mistake?” – Richard Flook, founder of Meta Medicine Questioning our conventional medical paradigm Inspired by my recent introduction to the study of Meta Medicine™ , which very much …
The symptoms behind the emotions behind the symptoms
Understanding the deeper layers of dis-ease and consciousness. As most of you who have experienced Mickel Therapy will know, most often we find that the underlying cause of dis-ease are unrecognized and unresolved emotions. This is because everything in the universe is energy, which includes our physical, mental and emotional being. Blocked energy (or Qi in Taoism) will compromise the …
The detrimental effects of geopathic stress
Unseen energies that may be causing or contributing to your sense of dis-ease According to the WHO (World Health Organization) “30% of the world’s buildings are “sick” with toxins to humans. Geopathic stress is a major cause of this problem”. I think I just had a major experience of this, and not for the first time. Several months ago I …
Gossip and Toxic Friends Detox!
The heart is about love and compassion. When we feel love and compassion for others, WE also feel good. So, next time you are about to say something detrimental about someone else, NOTICE how it feels in your heart, and if it doesn’t feel good, STOP! And say something else.
Getting to know – and manage – your inner critics
Our Inner Mean Girls (hereafter referred to as IMGs) are a result of early conditioning to life which grows out of proportion. The energies are unconscious and have not been attended to. However, it’s important to remember we have an Inner mean girl and an inner kind girl – we have both. And the BEST antidote to IMG is self love. That inner wisdom, that part of our self that is all loving and unconditional, no matter the circumstances…
40 Day Inner Mean Girl Reform School!
Would you like to know how to stop being so hard on yourself! Join women around the world and cleanse your system of the 6 toxic habits of your Inner Mean Girl. And replace them with self-loving habits.
The consequences of sensory deprivation in early childhood
As human beings, we are socialized, programmed and conditioned through our sensory systems. Our brain is literally programmed through these systems via the environment as we grow. Our brain cells unconsciously and automatically encode the physical environment that we experience, and we will only see or experience what is encoded.
It has been postulated that 80% of our experience of the world comes from our internal experience, whilst only 20% is actually a result of real external circumstances! We really do create our own reality and live in our own world…