Transform your Life! Personal Coaching with Kim
Individual Life Coaching and Personal Development Sessions
Individual sessions allow you to work on specific issues to experience fast transformation!
All appointments are held remotely using a sophisticated online software which allows audio-visual connection. This means we can connect together from anywhere in the world. It's just like being in the same room and results are equally effective as in-person consultations.
Clear Conflict - Create Harmony
Resolving inner conflict sessions help you to clear doubt and self-defeating habits such as perfectionism, approval-seeking, pushing yourself too hard, self-criticism and more. The great news is the process you are taken through to resolve these inner conflicts is simple, enjoyable and effortless!
Stop Perfectionism
Clear the stressful habit of trying to be perfect all the time. It's exhausting! 40 mins.
Stop Pushing yourself
Stop being a slave-driver to yourself and your own worst enemy. You deserve better than this! 40 mins.
Stop People Pleasing!
Stop putting everyone else before yourself and trying to get everyone else's approval. 40 mins.
Heal emotional hurts
Let go of wounds and hurts which have been holding you back in life. 40 mins.
Dissolve Barriers to Receiving
Do you find it difficult to receive from others? Do you feel guilty when people do things for you? This session will clear unconscious barriers to receiving help, love support, abundance and more. 60 mins.
Dissolving the Toxic Ties that Bind
Do you find yourself constantly held back by toxic friends, ex-partners or family members, either in real life today or in your mind from the past? This session will help you dissolve the toxic ties that bind, allowing you to move on with your life.
Emotional Transformation
When we hold onto emotions, usually unconsciously, they create havoc in our body: trapped, hidden and supressed emotions build up to become symptoms of pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression and chronic illness.
Targeted emotional clearing sessions helps you get rid of uncomfortable feelings like anger, sadness, fear, grief, hurt, guilt, loneliness, betrayal, disappointment and more. Choose the emotion you want to work through and book your appointment on the spot.
Dissolve emotions... without having to get emotional. A quick and easy way to dissolve emotions trapped in the body. Once learnt, you can do it yourself!
Emotional Needs Assessments
Emotional Needs Assessment. All human beings have a specific set of 'emotional needs' which need to be fulfilled by the age of 7 years. Unmet and undermet emotional needs are responsible for illness and unhappiness in later life. Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, depression, IBS, anxiety and more have their roots in unmet emotional needs. This audit will assess your unmet and undermet emotional needs so that you know which needs need to be 'refilled'. 40 mins.
Developmental Needs Assessment. All human beings have a specific set of 'developmental needs' which need to be fulfilled by the age of 18 months. Unmet and undermet emotional needs are responsible for illness and unhappiness in later life. Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, depression, IBS, anxiety and more have their roots in unmet developmental needs. This audit will assess your unmet and undermet developmental needs so that you know which needs need to be 'refilled'. 40 mins.
Human Needs Assessment. Unmet and undermet emotional needs are responsible for illness and unhappiness in later life. Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, depression, IBS, anxiety and more have their roots in unmet develomental needs. This assessment is a combination of the emotional needs (first 7 years) and developmental needs (first 18 months) audits. 60 mins.
Human Needs Assessment and Refill. Unmet and undermet emotional needs are responsible for illness and unhappiness in later life. Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, depression, IBS, anxiety and more have their roots in unmet develomental needs. In this comprehensive 90 minute session we will do a full human needs assessment and then you will be taken through a process to refill unmet developmental and emotional needs.
Clear Trauma and Cellular Memory
Guidance, Support and Clarity
Just being heard heals and soothes the Soul, and also allows you to find inner clarity and peace. 60 mins.
Do you feel confused over what therapy to choose? Do you even know all the options available? Having tried over 220 therapies and trained in over 100 techniques, Kim is in an ideal position to give impartial, professional advice on what therapy is most suitable for your situation. 60 mins.
Clear the Confusion and Get Clarity Now! Are you stuck on making a decision? Does your mind feel like it wants to explode going back and forth between different choices? This session will facilitate a connection with your inner wisdom (intuition) and help you access your multiple brains (head, heart and gut) to find the answers already inside of you. 90 mins.
Life Coaching. In this one hour session you can bring any life issue to the table for help with resolution. Whatever the cirumstance (health, family, relationship, finances, career...) Kim will help you gain clarity. 60 mins.
Do you sometimes feel like you have opposing forces inside your mind which keep you stuck or blocked? This session will help you unify opposing forces and dissolve the inner battle in order to transform conflict into inner peace. 60 mins.
Clear and eradicate stress
Self Awareness Sessions
Discover your Values
Root Cause Analysis
Kim's signature TKM root cause analysis technique - get to the root cause of any long-standing symptoms or illness in just 90 mins. Save years of wasted searching and thousands of dollars by doing it in just one session!
An exploratory process for understanding the root stress-emotional-belief cause of one particular symptom, medical diagnosis or illness. Knowledge is power. Symptoms are the end-result. Understand the cause. 60 mins.
Medical Disclaimer
'We treat people, not illness. We heal a whole person's life, not a health condition'.
By booking a session with Kim Knight you understand and agree to the following:
Kim Knight does not diagnose illness, prescribe restricted medicines, dispense medical advice or ‘cure / heal’ any person. Kim feels her role is to help you discover and switch on your body's innate self-healing abilities because in her experience, 'healing comes from within' and it is the therapist's role to help the client tap into their own self-healing powers.
Whilst Kim views any diagnosis (a medical label which describes a group of symptoms) as useful, Kim's role is to help you understand WHY those symptoms have been created in the first place, and then help you clear symptoms with as little need as possible for external interventions (eg medication, supplements, surgery etc).
Kim embraces all health approaches because she feels there is a place for all medical options, and that it's up to us as individuals to discover which approach(es) are right for us. Sometimes this may involve using a combination of methods.
In Kim’s experience illness and disease are a long-term state of mental-emotional stress and ‘un-ease’ which are best resolved by addressing the individual who is experiencing the condition, ie, by taking into account environmental / social factors, mind, emotions, physical, lifestyle, behaviours, habits of that person's life, rather than only focusing on the manifested end-results (ie the symptoms or labelled health condition). This means we address the person, not the condition, we look at their whole life, not only the illness.
Kim's area of expertise is in emotional root cause analysis, stress reduction, emotional healing and lifestyle management. Collectively this is known as lifestyle medicine.
As a result of the work you do with Kim, you will be learning new information, and applying new and beneficial habits to your life in order to achieve improved outcomes.
Whilst no guarantees for outcomes can be made by any medical or healthcare practitioner, in Kim's experience, clients who are wholeheartedly committed to their wellbeing, are open to fresh perspectives and are committed to following the guidance and advice given, can achieve anything from good to excellent results.
Please consult a medical practitioner of your choice if you feel you require other medical attention.
Medical Definitions – for your contemplation...
Disease: “A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms” Source: Wikepedia
Health: Old English hælan "cure; save; make whole, sound and well" (cf. German heilen, Gothic ga-hailjan "to heal, cure") - literally "to make whole“. Source:
Medicine: The applied science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness in human beings. The word medicine is derived from the Latin ars medicina, meaning ‘the art of healing’. Source: Wikepedia
Booking Conditions
No refunds once purchased. Can be rescheduled with 3 working days notice within one month of date of original appointment.