… on questioning if disease is a random mistake and the body hasn’t got a clue what it’s doing….
“Is disease meaningful or meaningless? If you get ill, has the body made a mistake?” – Richard Flook, founder of Meta Medicine
Questioning our conventional medical paradigm
Inspired by my recent introduction to the study of Meta Medicine™ , which very much fits with my current working paradigm that symptoms are intelligent communication from the body intelligence, here’s an interesting question to ponder:
“If illness is a random mistake, how do you know what therapeutic intervention to engage in?”
How do you know what treatment to follow or recommend if you have no idea what has caused the problem and if symptoms are just a random occurrence?
If we come from the standpoint that disease is a mistake, then by default we also have to assume that the body does not know what it’s doing! And that means it cannot be very intelligent?
Do you truly think that your body is just a dumb machine? In which case, how does it know how to keep the heart going, or heal a cut, or breathe, or digest food, or create a baby, or any of the other 100,000 and more tasks it does on a daily basis – without you even having to think about it?!
So, back to the question: “If illness is a random mistake, how do you know what therapeutic intervention to engage in?”
At present, often the conventional approach is to:
- Cut out the piece that has made the mistake
- Supress the symptoms with medication in the belief that this will somehow solve the problem
- Attack the problem with drugs or ‘fight’ the disease in some way
As one of my teachers, a martial arts expert, used to say, ‘no-one ever wins a war – you have to get on the same side’. Which is why in Chinese martial arts, the art of war is really about the art of peace.
Returning to the subject of how you treat a disease if it’s a mistake, notice how this approach in our society also assumes that someone or something else becomes responsible for healing the problem. In other words, something else (medication, surgery etc) will fix the mistake.
Obviously there are times when modern medicine is absolutely necessary and fantastic, especially in acute or emergency situations, but how well do many of the medical profession really understand illness? Why is it we abdicate all responsibility for what is going on inside our body and when asked by a friend what is wrong with us preface our answer with “well, my doctor says…”. Why on earth should someone else know more about what’s going inside your body than you?
A new model of healing – integrative medicine
Fortunately a new approach to healing is slowly emerging, or perhaps re-emerging. Let’s face it, so-called ‘conventional medicine’ is only a hundred or so years old. What do you think man was doing for the thousands of years before pencillin and superdrugs were invented?
And when I say “integrative medicine”, I mean two things:
- We are now starting to realize that whatever goes on inside the body is linked and related to everything else. ie, our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual selves are completely interlinked, and whatever happens on one level affects all others. So, in order to heal, we need to address all those levels simultaneously. Isn’t it interesting how hospitals are sectioned up into the ‘brain unit’ or ‘spinal unit’ or mental ward… the fragmentation of the departments mirrors our misguided understanding of the wholistic human being.
- Doctors are starting to work more closely with natural therapy practitioners in an attempt to embrace this holistic view of people and illness. This is great news and bodes well for the future.
From this place, if we then ask ourselves:
“If the body hasn’t made a mistake, how do I approach illness and the choice of treatment?”
…we start to get very different answers and solutions to the problem, because are beginning with a different question. We can start looking for the real cause that lies beneath the symptoms, and when we know the cause, we have a lot more clues as to how to go about treating the situation. The answer lies within the problem – they are two sides to the same coin.
So, I will close with a quote from Richard Flook, in reference to whether illness is a random event:
“If you believe the body has made a mistake, you’re right. And if you believe your body has not made a mistake, you’re right” – the choice is yours.
Be well!
Kim Knight