Qi Gong is a form of training where bye the consciousness is brought inwards in order to transform and enhance our being. In so doing we align ourselves with the law of human life and collectively evolve the human race to a higher level. “We can look at all human problems as being the result of going against the law, and hence to deal with problems we have to go back and begin to follow the law. We have to manifest the real spirit of science which is seeking the truth and discovering the unknown fundamental law in order to serve humanity”…
Nervous Breakdown or Breakthrough?
What I eventually learnt was that a mental breakdown can actually be a mental breakthrough. A breakthrough to a new level of consciousness, a new world view, a new perception of reality. And in order for that to happen, the old has to be demolished, just like an old building has to be demolished before a new one can be built….
Trust, Being Calm and Living in the Unknown
“Feeling under-confident is the false you. You need to find the true self. Worries, under confidence and fear are your ego and show you are only concerned about yourself. Let go of worrying about yourself and instead direct your attention to people who need help.” ‘Fascinating’, I thought to myself, ‘my self-doubt is selfishness’…
Is it possible to live without emotions?
Emotional reactions are not natural or healthy. Now, that is going to push a lot of buttons for people when they read that, and to be quite frank, if someone had told me that 6 months ago I would have told them they were talking a load of cobblers…
From victim to self-mastery
The covert martyr often ‘soldiers on’ with their life, trying to get ahead but constantly being held back by a deep level of inner dis-empowerment and ‘poor me’ mentality. This weakness usually stems from childhood as a result of circumstances such as over-bearing caregivers, being bullied, physical or emotional abuse, feeling unsupported and much more…
What is the measure of success?
If you stop and ask yourself the question ‘WHY’ is it that I want that promotion, that BMW, that house on the beach, the perfect partner and friends etc (and the list is endless), you may find that what you are really after is a FEELING. The feeling of how you think you will feel when you get that thing…
Qi Gong – Master your Energy and become your own Master
Tapping directly into these Universal and Cosmic forces teaches us that we are born with the ability to by-pass a total reliance on plants or animals for the life-force which they themselves have absorbed from the Cosmos. We are designed to go directly to the Source – we just need to know how.
Do you really want to heal or ‘just get rid of’ your symptoms?
True healing involves delving a lot deeper than just expecting someone to ‘fix’ you and your symptoms. It involves getting actively involved in your healing process so that you learn why your body has become ‘dis-eased’. The additional benefit of this is that as you start to do this, you become less preoccupied with eradicating symptoms and more interested in your own healing journey and what I call ‘the bigger picture of life’. You start to see that you are actually on this earth to EVOLVE, to change, to transform, and ultimately to become a better you.
Why being stuck in a perspective keeps us, well, stuck…(and unwell)
So why do I say that being stuck in a perspective can prevent us from getting well, ie, keep us ill? Because underneath the perspective / belief / paradigm will usually be some FEELINGS which we are usually subconsciously avoiding by staying stuck in our perspective. It is these deeply repressed feelings which are blocking our cells and keeping us less than well – infact literally internally divided – which we need to get in touch with…
Why symptoms and pain may be a good thing
As you start to investigate yourself and become more aware at a mind-body level, what will be revealed are the behaviours and habits you have set up during your life which it turns out are not particularly beneficial. These include things like putting everyone else first, ignoring your feelings, being a perfectionist, working too hard, driving yourself into the ground, seeking approval, putting yourself down and more…