Earth changes: the shifting of poles

What’s really behind climate change and why we need to come into our hearts

“Life becomes much more enjoyable when you stop believing your mind.” ~ Adyashanti

Three years ago at a Qi Gong conference in Thailand with Master Mantak Chia, I had an ‘aha’ moment on my understanding of climate change and how it was related to the shifting of the planet’s poles. He explained how according to ancient Taoists, every 25,000 years the earth’s north pole and its corresponding alignment with north star shifts, and that this is what is happening now.

He told us how the north pole will  align with one of 3 stars. Currently it is Polaris, but it is moving towards Vega, and previously it was Thuban.  As soon as he explained this, I realized that all the earth changes and climate change made sense. Of course, if the poles are going to change, we are going to experience a lot of shake ups on earth.

He also explained how our heart is tilted towards the north star, hence the angle of our heart within our chest, and how the pulsing of the north star affects our own heart pulse.

And then a couple of months ago I was having an interesting conversation with someone who was friends with a retired pilot. Apparently, the earth changes are playing such havoc with airplane equipment and compasses, that airports are having to be temporarily shut down to re-align landing strips. According to him, we would be gob-smacked if we really knew what was going on with the earth’s magnetic grids.

Yesterday I was forwarded a link to a video by Kiesha Crowther, one of the 12 young Shaman wisdom keepers. In it she talks about the pole shift that is currently happening and will be complete in a couple of years from now. Apparently, we will not recognize the earth as it is now, and if we are to survive, we must live from the heart not the mind.

This also made sense to me of why for the past few years both myself and my colleagues have been training ourselves so vigorously to live from the heart, and why I have had the urge to create workshops such as ‘Train your heart mind and abdominal brain’.

It’s lovely when the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place, despite the traumatic events which are taking place all over the planet right now.

I recommend looking at Keisha’s video:

The Key to balancing your Mind is to lead with your Heart
What brings your mind to the Stillpoint in the Heart?
What SELF will you choose as your Center?

The Key to balancing your Body is connecting it with Nature
What allows your body the feeling of perfect peace?
What moves you from your heartspace?

The Key to balancing your Spirit is honoring the Wisdom within
What rests at the core of your Authentic Center?
What resonates with the voice of your soul?

by Mary Mcnab

Transformational solutions for optimal wellbeing

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