Whilst each person is unique, there definately seem to be some common denominators in people with these conditions. Here are a few core reasons – see what rings true for you:

  1. Traumatic events from the past that were not dealt with properly at an emotional level and are still lurking in the psyche
  2. The body is in a constant state of stress, or ‘fight-flight’, which is an unnatural state to live in, and creates huge pressure on all systems
  3. An inability to communicate emotions honestly for fear of hurting other people’s feelings or fear of rejection
  4. An inability to put oneself first and meet one’s own needs – always putting others’ needs first
  5. An inability to stop and rest, and a habit of doing, doing, doing
  6. Living up to other’s expectations and not following our own dreams or passions
  7. Driving oneself to achieve, achieve, achieve as a result of never really, ever, feeling good enough for whom one is
  8. Allowing oneself to be walked over or abused mentally, emotionally or physically, resulting in a huge build-up of repressed emotions (anger, resentment)
  9. A truck load of repressed and unexpressed emotions in the body
  10. An inability to feel emotions fully due to past fears of being rejected, punished, shamed, ridiculed or criticized
  11. A deep feeling of disempowerment which manifests itself as ‘victim’ consciousness, either overtly or covertly
  12. In the case of fibromyalgia, a truck load of resentment and frustration

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Comments 2

  1. I agree that some of your list can apply to some of adrenal fatigue sufferers. The most important point to make is that the condition is NOT IN THE MIND! I have written a new book, made it all the way to #12 on best sellers, titled All In My Mind? Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. Anyone can read more (free download) at
    What is most important is to get properly diagnosed and make the effort to follow an alternative route of care. These sufferers feel so alone, and I know their condition is very real. Thanks for sharing your information.

    1. hi Jennifer, thanks for your comment. You book looks great, I look forward to reading it. Love your website! fyi, the link you gave is incorrect, thought you might like to know. cheers Kim

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