From my own very long journey back to health from chronic fatigue, depression and many other ailments, plus working with hundreds of women, I have noticed there are certain habits, traits, beliefs or patterns which will halt progress in its tracks. Here they are… 1. ‘HEALING WILL HAPPEN OVERNIGHT OR IN ONE SESSION’ This is one of the biggest misnomers …
The True Cost of Staying Unhappy or Unwell
When I was ill with chronic fatigue, and unable to work for over 10 years, before I discovered what was actually causing the problem (which took me 5 of those 10 years), I would have given anything to find out (a) what was causing symptoms and (b) what I needed to do to get well. Funnily enough, years later after I was …
The power of a personal coach
Imagine this scenario: You have decided to climb Mt Everest, which you have never done before. You know you really want to get to the top. You gather together what equipment you think you will need and set off. Imagine however that you have no map or compass, or personal guide to tell you which direction to go. You see the …
5 Reasons why therapists need to charge and are worth their weight in gold
Often as a health coach I get asked the question ‘why can’t you offer your services for free?’ As a single woman entrepreneur living in an increasingly expensive world, it’s a question which really frustrates me, because believe me, if I could offer my coaching services for free, I would! Despite the fact that I do offer many free webinars, free …
How precious is life really?
Have you ever stopped to wonder at how precious life is? The older I get, and the more I clear out my past so I can make the most of the present and future, which means I can then live my purpose and follow my dreams, the more I realize the truth of this. The funny thing is, when I was ill …
‘To guilt or not to guilt, that is the question’!
Most people experience guilt, but not many question why, or know how to deal with it. Over the years I have learnt there are essentially two types of guilt: True (healthy) guilt… and false (unhealthy) guilt. Let’s look at both of them. First of all healthy guilt. This is the type of guilt we feel when we have genuinely done …
The Price of Progress, The Cost of Freedom
I have just returned from watching the film ‘Suffragette’, a documentary movie on the fight of women in the UK to attain the right to vote. To say I felt shell-shocked might be an understatement. I was deeply moved. I wept for the sacrifices that these women made only just 100 years ago, which we now reap the benefits of, mostly …
The Key to Health: your GUT
Before you are born, your gut is a sterile environment. As soon as you are born, you start picking up your Mother’s gut flora as you pass through the birth canal, and then this continues as you start drinking breast milk. The first 21 days of life are critical for having your intestines populated by good flora. If you are fed bottle milk this seriously compromises this opportunity…
THE SHIFT: An opportunity for quantum change
The news of Wayne Dyer’s passing 2 days ago hit me quite deeply, and I have been processing and contemplating why. It seems I am not the only one of my colleagues to be feeling this. Initially it felt like it was because I just seen him for the first time ever two days before his passing at his seminar …
Art of Health Blog 2014 in review
The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 12,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many people to see it. Click …