Over the years, working as a multi-disciplinary therapist, I have noticed several common themes amongst expectations from clients around healing, and one overriding common expectation is this:
‘THIS (xyz) therapy is going to heal me – it will be THE answer’.
Since 1985 I have personally recovered without medication or supplements from multiple chronic ailments including clinical depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal fatigue, burnout, anxiety, allergies, asthma, urticaria, hives, severe back pain, ongoing UTIs and more.
I have trained professionally in a 20 truly revolutionary, cutting-edge healthcare approaches, and personally tried and tested nearly 200 therapies on my journey to find answers.
So which therapy worked?!
All of them, and whichever one was right for me and I was ready for at a particular time!
After having worked for many years now offering a variety of therapeutic approaches, it has became clear to me that many of these different healing approaches overlap, whilst at the same time each one has their own unique approach, techniques and strategies.
I now see that whilst each individual methods may be exceptional in itself, it also has its own limitations, simply because it’s not physically possible for any one therapy to offer every answer.
This is one of the biggest myths we must understand if we are looking for answers: expecting only one approach to fix everything will bring us disappointment.
It may be that for a smaller percentage of people (about 20% in my experience) do get a full result with just one approach, for the remaining 80% this is unlikely to be the case.
This does not mean that a therapy is not ‘good’ if it does not have all the answers! It just means it does not have all the answers.
In order for one therapy to have ALL the answers it would literally have to be an amalgamation of every therapy available on the planet today! Can you imagine that? That’s a pretty tough call and basically impossible.
One of the laws of life is that everything evolves and nothing stays the same. This IS evolution and we cannot stop it, it is a natural law and a fact. The truth is not evolving goes against this law. This applies to humans too: we need to grow and change or we become stuck and static, and that is when we get ill too!
So one of the most important things to understand when it comes to dealing with a health condition is that it is not the therapy itself that creates the change…
…rather it is the knowledge and application by the practitioner of certain techniques and strategies, combined with the understanding by the practitioner of what really causes and resolves ‘dis-ease’, plus the connection and rapport between the therapist and client, and the internal and external changes this client makes in their life, that brings the change.
Labels for therapies and conditions
Over the years I have noticed how people get very ‘fixed’ on labels when it comes to their health condition or symptoms:
Attachment to the health condition
Either the person will become fixed on the label for their health condition (eg, ‘my’ chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, lupus etc), owning their condition for ‘dear life’ as if, if they by chance gave up that label, they would be lost.
This is not healthy. It is much healthier to say we are temporarily ‘doing’ a condition or a set of symptoms until we no longer need to anymore.
Remember, a label or name for a health condition is just a string of letters and words to describe a certain set of symptoms so that we have common language to communicate with.
The real meaning of the symptoms is that they are the body sensations your body is choosing to send to you to get your attention. Symptoms have meaning and messages, and this is what together we will work out in our first Kiwi Health Detective Breakthrough Session.
Remember, a label is just a label, you don’t need to buy into it. It’s just a useful term for communicating what is going on with you when communicating with other people, or trying to describe to others what is going on for you, but you don’t have to let the label ‘own’ you or you own it.
Attachment to a therapy
The other thing that people can get fixed on is the label of the therapy itself.
What happens is, people hear about someone getting well with ‘xyz’ therapy, see some wonderful results, and then think ‘this is the therapy for me’.
Now, whilst this may be true, and this particular therapy may well bring great relief,or even total recovery, it is the techniques within the therapy that bring more results than the label of the therapy itself.
Every therapy has its own techniques, strategies and approaches, and whilst every therapy will have wonderful techniques for helping clear symptoms, it is the techniques not the label of the therapy which are making the difference.
But over and above the therapy and the techniques it offers, there is something even more important than the techniques and strategies of that therapy:
According to the latest research, only about 2% of results come from the therapy itself!
Results come from the skill of the therapist being able to deliver the techniques with the client, and the rapport that develops between the therapist and client.
This means the therapist needs to be skilled in delivering the techniques and strategies, no matter what therapy they come from, and be able to ‘read’ the client’s needs and apply the strategies uniquely for that client, who is a unique individual with their own unique needs.
This also means that ultimately the name of the therapy is irrelevant. It is the tools, strategies and techniques which that therapy offers (whatever the ‘label’ of that therapy), plus the ability of the practitioner to deliver those strategies and techniques in an effective way to suit each client’s unique needs.
Very importantly the client must feel safe with the therapist in order to be able to open up and be honest about what is going on in their life in order to discover what it is that needs to change. Because healing both requires and comes from change. Healing is transformation and is a transformative process. As one of my teachers used to say ‘healing is transformation: we change and are never the same again’.
So one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give a client is to:
- Not get hooked on the label, health condition or diagnosis they have been given
- Not get hooked on the label of a health therapy
At the end of the day, the label given to either of these things is irrelevant!
What you need to find is a therapist who knows how to decipher the symptoms your body is sending you into the unique message those symptoms are telling you, so that you truly understand what is causing the problem.
Your therapist then needs to know what will be the right approach and techniques you need as a unique individual for you to bring your body back to its natural state of health, no matter what therapy they come from!
This is the service I offer: in our first Kiwi Health Detective Breakthrough session we do the first part of identifying what has caused the problem, and after that we work together to solve the problem, which may require more than one approach.
After having tried nearly 200 therapies myself, I am well equipped to know what is likely to help you!
Medical Disclaimer: Kim Knight does not diagnose, treat, cure or heal any person or disease. If you require medical attention please seek out the relevant help.